How To Know if Gutter Needs Cleaning: Unmasking Clogged Gutters Before They Cause Chaos
Let’s talk about gutter cleaning, one of the least glamorous chores of being a homeowner. It’s not really the thing of dreams, but believe me when I say that it’s important for keeping your castle in the best possible condition.
When you notice water overflowing from your gutters during rainstorms, it’s a clear sign that your gutters need cleaning. When you notice water overflowing from your gutters during rainstorms, it’s a clear sign that your gutters need cleaning. Imagine this: you’re wearing your warmest hoodie, all curled up on the coach with a hot cocoa, holding your favorite book feeling all cozy, as it pours down heavily outside, then suddenly you hear the sound of water spilling over the place like a waterfall. Not a pretty sight, eh?

Gutter malfunctions don’t always happen during heavy rains. Take a look at them even when the sun is shining brightly up there. If you spot any plants growing out of your gutters, well that is Mother Nature telling you to clean those gutters. We all love the greenery scene, but not when it’s growing where it’s not supposed to be.
And speaking of plants, keep an eye out for any signs of water damage around your foundation or basement. Water can overflow and seep into the ground if your gutters are blocked, causing severe harm to your foundation. Trust me, you do not want to mess around with foundation issues. They’re like the drama queen of home repairs – they demand all your attention and drain your bank account faster than you can say “DIY disaster.”

Now, let’s talk critters. Yep, you heard me right – critters. I’m talking about all those lovely creatures who see your clogged gutters as prime real estate. From birds to bugs to rodents, if your gutters are filled with leaves and debris, you’ve essentially opened your doors to a variety of unwanted guests. And let me tell you, getting rid of those critters after they’ve moved in is far more difficult than simply cleaning out your gutters in the first place.
That ends our crash course on gutter cleaning 101, mates. Watch out for overflowing water, stray plants, water damage and critter infestations and you should have no trouble in keeping your house happy and healthy. Think of it this way – every hour you spend cleaning your gutters is one or two hours less you’ll have to spend dealing with expensive repairs down the line.
Cheers to your housekeeping!